Tuesday, July 3, 2007

July 1, 2007
Half way point
Today is the halfway point on our stay here in Liberia. We have battled a corrupt government, been arrested by the police, had daily attacks by Liberians asking for money, and last but not least been asked to sort oodles of books for distribution in small villages all over Liberia. So many things have happened and many more have to happen in order for all this adoption stuff to be finished but I am confident the Lord will continue to protect us.
We have 3 weeks left here and I am missing home very much but I’m not yet tired of Liberia. I see so many good organizations and so many ways I can help; it seems going back to America will be unexciting compared to what we are doing here. Maybe I could join the Mercy Ship or help out with an orphanage; I could even look into working at the U.S embassy. So many opportunities I don’t know which to pursue first. God has led me here for a reason and over time I pray God shows me what He wants from me.

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