Saturday, June 9, 2007

And so it Begins

June 7, 2007 9:05am (Washington time)
Greetings to all those visiting this site,
To “fill in” those who don’t know, my dad and I are traveling to Liberia, Africa. We are on a mission to bring back my adopted brother Daniel. In addition, we are planning to stay in Liberia for around 6-8 weeks to do our part in the rebuilding of a country that has been torn apart by years of civil war.
Currently I am sitting in terminal A9 at Sea-Tac International airport awaiting the arrival of flight #268 to New-York. After that we will fly to Germany and then on to Liberia. My thoughts right now are a bit scattered and I feel as though I am living completely in the present and paying no attention to future actions (this could be because we got up at 3:30am). My feelings about this trip are also very scattered and the idea of actually going hasn’t hit me fully.
The planning stages of this trip went very fast but today (the day we leave) came even faster. Over half my friends don’t even know I have left and my activities up until this point have been very normal.

June 7, 2007 4:20pm (Washington time)
I am currently writing this at an altitude of 31,000 feet on flight #172 to Brussels, Germany. The flight to New-York took a lot longer than I thought and this flight (to Brussels) and the one to follow (to Liberia) are almost twice as long. We had a short layover in New-York of 20 minutes, to me this seemed way too short of a time to get off the plane, run across the airport, go through security and make it to our flight in good time but, to my surprise we made it and still had to wait in line for a few other passengers to board.
\ I think the whole idea of traveling to the other side of the world is beginning to sink in on me. I am very excited to have the opportunity to something as awesome as following through with what the Lord has asked us to do.

Thought of the day; the question is not “why did the chicken cross the road”, it’s “did he look both ways” (international flights + lack of sleep, bring some very weird thoughts)

June 7, 2007 7:00pm (Washington time)
I am still onboard flight #172 and I’m still sitting in the same seat (row 27 seat C) and I am extremely bored …. I don’t have much more to report other than I chose lasagna over chicken for the in-flight meal and the movies they have played so far are not (in my opinion) not that good. I tried listening to music but I’m too tired and I tried to sleep but the air rushing past this very small metal tube at 500mph is somewhat too loud. I tried to have a conversation with my dad but again it’s too loud, my last resort was to try and move around but when I do I get funny looks from people...ugg

June 8, 2007 9:30am (Washington time)
(Update on where I am) I am on the final flight from Brussels to Monrovia (a 7 ½ hour flight)
So far I have been awake for about 30 hours with about one hour of very uncomfortable sleep. Right now we are about 500 miles from Monrovia so we have around another hour before we get off the plane and hopefully a short time before I can get some sleep. I feel like I’m in some kind of crazy time machine where I don’t know what time or even what day we are trapped in. I have seen the sun rise and set twice. Right now the only thing keeping me awake is the thought of meeting my brother (and the uncomfortable airline seat).

Yakama WA. (as seen from the air)

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